The Fishing Knots You Need to Know

fishing knots

  Fishing can be very difficult, especially if you aren’t familiar with common fishing knots. Luckily, while there more knots out there than you could ever hope to learn to tie, the best ones can be boiled down to a list of essentials. Curious what fishing knots you definitely need to know? We’ve got a […]

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The Best Fishing Lures for Saltwater Fishing

best fishing lures

“If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.” -Doug Larson What makes a great angler? Is it the location? Is it the years of experience in the water? Or it’s a natural talent passed down from previous generations. It’s hard to say. Catching more fish happens […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Saltwater Kayak Fishing

saltwater kayak fishing

Nearly 4,000 years ago, the Inuits created a boat for fishing and hunting. That is the kayak. Saltwater kayak fishing continues with that practice. The good news is that saltwater kayak fishing is an accessible and affordable sport. According to a survey, many are knowledgeable fishers before entering this sport, however, kayak fishing is open […]

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How To Set The Drag On A Spinning Reel

How To Set The Drag On A Spinning Reel

The drag on a spinning reel has a big role to play, especially when trying to catch big fish like mahi, tuna, kingfish etc. The setting of the drag needs experience and practice, so you don’t lose that big fish story! Today, we focus on how to set the drag on a spinning reel. Heat generation, spool […]

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How To Clean A Spinning Reel

How To Clean A Spinning Reel

Maintaining your fishing equipment is very important for a fisherman. Maintenance affords you the opportunity to keep your setup as new and will bring the fish into the boat instead of leaving them in the water. One of the most important pieces of fishing equipment is the spinning reel. In order to keep the reel […]

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How To Oil A Spinning Reel

How To Oil A Spinning Reel

No matter what spinning reel you are using for fishing, its maintenance is very important. If you don’t take care of it, the spinning reel will not last very long. Moreover, the users of reel will end up with bad surprises while fishing. In this section we will tell you how you can increase the […]

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How To Use A Spinning Reel

How To Use A Spinning Reel

When fishing, it is really important to know about the equipment that you need and the steps you need to perform. So if you are a beginner and you want to know the basic techniques of fishing, here is how to set up the rod and use a spinning reel. Spinning reel and spinning rod […]

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How To Cast A Spinning Reel

How To Cast A Spinning Reel

Now that you have your spinning reel, this is the time to get ready for fishing. However, just getting the right spinning reel is not enough to catch fish. Learning how to properly casta reel is important too. Without appropriate casting of the reel, an angler will not end up catching fish, no matter how […]

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