“If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.”
-Doug Larson
What makes a great angler?
Is it the location? Is it the years of experience in the water? Or it’s a natural talent passed down from previous generations. It’s hard to say.
Catching more fish happens when you’re alert. When you use your observation skills to pick up on indicators where the fishes are moving. It may take years of practice to refine your angler skills.
Fishing is fun but we all know that we’d like to leave with something for our efforts. Taking home a great catch fills you with pride!
But maybe it’s not always the skills. Maybe it’s your choice of lures.
The best fishing lures are those designed for the particular catch and location. It could make a world of a difference switching from a jig to a spinner.
This article is going to cover six of the best fishing lures and explain why they’re great for those particular locations and types of catch.
The 6 Best Fishing Lures for Every Occasion
There will be different types of fish depending on your region but ocean fish are aggressive. They take every opportunity they can to eat and keep going. There isn’t much space for them to hide versus fresh water.
This means that the following selection will work in any location around the world. How’s that for getting your tackle setup for years of fishing!
Here are six you should consider…
Spoon fishing lures take on the shape of… well… a spoon. These lures wobble in the water to create the motions of a swimming fish.
These lures can be thrown a long distance and used for casting and trolling.
The shape of the spoon will determine the speed (slimmer = faster, wider = slower) so keep this in mind when you’re casting them out.
Colors vary though the popular choice is either gold or silver. This helps create a reflection in the water to draw the attention of fish. These spoons also have a variety of hooks (single, treble, etc.).
The spoon is an all-around go-to lure that works well in any condition.
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Poppers create a splash when doing a quick pull of the rod. This splash alerts predatory fish using sight and sound. It presents an opportunity to swim up and catch the lure off-guard as if a smaller fish were going for a surface catch.
Using these lures are easy. Keep a steady pace while reeling while throwing a few, quick pulls to “pop” the lure. Try an advanced “walk the dog” by keeping the rod down and zig-zagging while popping the lure.
These come in a variety of styles, hooks, designs, and colors. They’re inexpensive and effective.
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Metal Jigs
Jigs, like the spoon, are a quintessential choice for the saltwater tackle. They’re effective in all conditions, regions, and types of fish. It makes them one the best fishing lures all around.
They are simple in design. A lead head and hook create the foundation. Extras like feathers, hair, and rubber skirts.
The draw of the jig is caused by the lifelike manner of its movements. Drop it to the seabed floor, yank it up, and let it settle. It creates a motion irresistible to fish wanting to take a nibble.
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You wouldn’t expect spinnerbaits to be used too often in saltwater fishing. Yet, they do have their place — especially closer to the shore or within inlets.
The design creates a confusion with the fish. The lure relies on the sound and movement of the design which creates a curiosity. These are formed with either a plastic skirt or jig.
Cast it out, do a slow drag, and see what you can catch within these areas. It’s worth a shot considering it’s something the saltwater fish have never seen.
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Soft Plastics
Soft plastics have their place in saltwater fishing. They come in every variety of sizes, shapes, designs, and colors. They can be added to a jig for extra effect.
You can use them to swim or drop them down low to pop them around.
These are very inexpensive so it’s a great addition to your tackle. It gives you plenty of choices to play around and have fun on your fishing trip.
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Twitch/Jerk Baits
The fast, rapid movements of twitch/jerk baits are irresistible to saltwater fish.
Most saltwater fish stay away from the surface. A slow, twitch lure going below the 3-8 foot mark will create a great opportunity to catch their attention.
These lures need you to cut the rod back and forth to create quick movements to mimic prey fish trying to escape the open waters.
They come in a variety of colors, weights, and designs. This is one lure that will be quite a joy on your fishing adventure. Plus, you can take it over to freshwater and get the benefits too!
This is one lure that will be quite a joy on your fishing adventure. Plus, you can take it over to freshwater and get the benefits too!
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Whew! That’s quite a lot to choose from when you start looking at the different brands making these types. But don’t worry. These will work no matter your selection of saltwater.
Choices, Choices, Choices (and Tips!)
There are a lot of choices when it comes to saltwater and freshwater fishing. It can be overwhelming especially when you’re a novice. It’s difficult when you’re experienced, too!
There are plenty of different spinning reels, baitcasting reels, and tackle. The best selection is one which fit your budget and intentions. A wide selection will allow you to adapt to any condition so those days out on the boat have you coming back with the catch of the day!
Here are a few extra tips to get the most from those lures:
- Try to match the lure with the prey of the fish
- Pay attention to the color of the water (as a starting point) to match lures
- Go with lures that make vibrations in muddy or discolored water
- Avoid rattlers in clear water
- Use larger lures in cold water
It’s all about adaptation. Having a good selection of the best fishing lures will guarantee you’re given a fighting chance when you’re off fishing.
Used any of these fishing lures? Tell us how the fishing went in the comments section below!